The Great American Strike

National Rent Strike Date: To Be Announced

We, the people of the United States, declare a nationwide stand against the rise of neo-feudalism, and the neo-nobility seeking to subjugate the many for gratuitous self-enrichment. Capitalism promises rewards for innovation and hard work, but a just society requires that responsible stewardship of those rewards be to the benefit of all, and accountability when misused. When political and economic systems allow for perpetual unjust enrichment, a feudal class structure becomes inevitable. Let this proclamation be a call to action, rooted in equality, justice, and collective prosperity.

There are three pillars holding up the American Neo-Nobility class, which need be torn asunder.

  1. Robber-barons and debt-mongers; Leeches who extract wealth from workers and small businesses in rents and leases while offering little more than the privilege to live on and work "their" land.
  2. Oligarchs, monopolists, and venture capital vampires; Corporate overlords who wield their power and influence in the pursuit of profit at any costs.
  3. Regulatory racketeers, plutocrats, and proxy politicians; Power brokers who manipulate and reshape laws to shield their inner circle while ensuring dominance over the public.

To stamp out feudalism in our time, we must stand together and demand the changes required.

The first pillar disruption will be a national rent strike. The neo-feudal lords of our day will be brought to heel when the cashflow fueling their greed dries up. If the financiers are incapable of enacting the changes we demand, similar disruptions await the other two pillars.

"E Pluribus Unum"

American patriots of all stripes stand together as one.

Until these systemic issues are addressed, the American people feel no obligation to pay rent, tribute, or homage to their neo-feudal lords; failure to do so will result in escalation.

Let them . . eat cake.

Section I: Federal Anti-Feudal Reforms

In an age where wealth disparity has reached levels unseen since the Gilded Age, economic dominance has translated into political power and social control. These federal reforms are intended to counteract the power of the neo-nobility, and ensure that democracy and opportunity are preserved for all.

  1. Federal Top 1% Wealth Holder Minimum Tax (or "Billionaire Tax")
    To curb wealth concentration that mirrors feudal privilege, an additional mandatory federal minimum wealth tax shall be imposed on individuals within the top 1% of wealth holders or those whose net worth exceeds one billion dollars. All assets in which a value can be assessed or leveraged, including stock holdings, shall be included when determining net worth.
  2. Federal Georgism Land Tax
    A progressive federal land value tax shall be imposed on the sum of all property values owned or controlled by an entity when the total value of all properties exceeds median value of an American single family home, ensuring large scale land ownership benefits the public interest and that small businesses maintain a competitive advantage in smaller markets.
  3. Federal Minimum Wage Tied to Inflation
    The federal minimum wage must be annually adjusted according to consumer price inflation to ensure that wages reflect the true cost of living and that economic disparity does not widen. An initial federal minimum wage of $15 per hour shall be established to ensure a baseline of respect and dignity for all workers.
  4. Repeal of "Tipped Employee" Classifications
    The practice of shifting employer responsibilities to consumers must end. All employees must receive wages directly from employers, ensuring financial stability.
  5. National Pay Transparency
    To end wage suppression and promote equal pay for equal work, all salaries, wages, and bonuses for regular and contract employment by entities with 10 or more employees must be publicly disclosed.
  6. Repeal of Lifetime Government Appointments
    Lifetime appointments in governance foster unchecked power. All such appointments shall be replaced with term-based tenures to prevent entrenched authority.
  7. Repeal of the Electoral College
    The President shall be elected by direct national popular vote, ensuring equal weight for every vote and ending voter disenfranchisement.
  8. Congressional Representation Under "The Wyoming Rule"
    Congressional representation shall be reformed to ensure proportional allocation based on state populations. States shall receive a number of representatives equal to their population divided by the population of the least populous state, rounded down.
  9. Cap on Copyright and Patent Privileges
    Copyrights shall be limited to 25 years and patents to 15 years to foster innovation and access to knowledge, dismantling monopolies that mimic feudal charters.
  10. Federal Grants for Vocational Training or Apprenticeship
    To reduce worker reliance on employers for career growth and to promote the economic stability granted by a strong skilled workforce, the federal government shall provide educational grants to citizens. For every five years of citizenship, a grant equivalent to one year of training at a typical vocational or trade school will be made available to the citizen for future use. These grants may be paid to a nationally accredited school or apprenticeship program of the citizen's choosing for their own education, or be transferred to another citizen of their choosing at a 50% discounted value, or be paid as a 25% cash equivalent to the originating citizen.

Section II: Prohibition of Neo-Feudal Contracts and Tax Schemes

Modern economic systems often include contracts and taxes that mimic the tribute owed to feudal lords, perpetuating control by non-governmental entities and limiting autonomy. These reforms aim to dismantle such structures, empowering individuals and fostering equitable economic conditions, and sovereignty for all.

  1. Ban on Income Tax Filing Requirements
    The obligation of filing income taxes places undue administrative burden on citizens, to the benefit of entities adding complexity to the tax code. The responsibility for accurate tax bill calculations and billing must rest with the government, not with individuals.
  2. Ban on Sales Taxes
    Sales taxes, which disproportionately impact lower-income peoples, must be abolished to prevent economic subjugation through consumption-based taxation.
  3. Ban on "Tax Exemption" Statuses
    Eliminate tax exemption statuses to ensure no individual or organization avoids their societal fiscal responsibilities.
  4. Ban on Ownership Without Sovereignty (Right to Repair)
    Ownership without the right to repair is akin to feudal dependence. Ownership must include the right to repair, modify, and maintain property, while being protected against remote obsolescence, deactivation, degradation, or repossession by prior owners.
  5. Ban on HOAs and Property Tithes
    Homeowners' associations and similar non-governmental structures which can either restrict what may be done to an entity's property, or levy fines against property they do not own, must be prohibited.
  6. Ban on Pricing Obfuscation
    Laws must ensure that all prices and pricing practices are transparent, comparable, and standardized. Consumers must be able to easily access clear and accurate pricing information across all industries, including but not limited to medicine, healthcare, utilities, hospitality, travel, and consumer goods.
  7. Ban on Non-Compete Agreements
    Prohibit non-compete agreements and other such agreements that restrict a worker's future employment, ensuring freedom to seek employment unencumbered by prior employment agreements.
  8. Ban on Pay-To-Work Schemes
    Prohibit work structures where employees must pay fees or costs to work (e.g., purchase uniforms, purchase equipment, pay licensing fees, or cover other employment-related expenses).
  9. Ban on Perpetual Debt Schemes
    Invalidate all agreements in which the minimum payments are less than the accrual of interest and other fees. This scheme creates perpetual servitude akin to feudal obligations.
  10. Ban on Non-Consensual Debt Trading
    Prohibit the transfer of debts or contracts without the explicit consent of the debtor. Any transfer of any debts to a third party collector or other legal entity must be signed and approved by the debtor at the moment of the transfer. Failure to receive explicit authorization from debtor for the transfer at the time of the transfer will result in the debt being considered paid in full under the law.

Section III: Reform of Criminal Structures Favoring Neo-Nobility

Modern legal systems often shield the powerful while imposing harsh penalties on the less privileged, echoing medieval protections for the nobility. These reforms address the legal double standards that foster economic feudalism.

  1. Ban on Non-Human Entities
    Every legally formed entity must have identifiable individuals who can be held legally and criminally accountable for its actions. No corporation or organization shall operate without individual accountability, closing loopholes that enable faceless power. In the absence of an individual of suitable authority, ultimate responsibility will default to the highest ranking and/or senior member(s).
  2. Abolish Immunity for Public Officials
    Eliminate legal doctrines that allow public officials to act without the risk of legal repercussions for their actions while in service. All officials must be accountable for their decisions to prevent abuses of power and corruption.
  3. Abolish "Just Doing My Job" Defense
    Individuals cannot claim immunity from prosecution by arguing they acted under company orders. Accountability for an individual's actions must extend to all conduct performed in any and all capacities, allowing for accountability for all wrongful acts. Furthermore, instructing or implying an employee or subordinate to take such action must carry equal or greater weight to the wrongful act(s) ultimately carried out.
  4. Ban on Immunity Laws and Non-Litigation Contracts
    Laws and contracts that shield individuals or entities from legal accountability for their actions, including those that require an agreement not to sue or press charges or bind them to mandatory arbitration requirements, must be voided. This ensures that all are equal under the law and the right to seek justice is preserved in all circumstances.
  5. Prohibition of Unilateral Modification Clauses (Reserve the Right To Change Clauses)
    The practice of including a clause allowing one party to unilaterally modify the terms of an agreement invalidates the very foundation of what a contract represents. Such practices render the concept of consent meaningless. Any contract or agreement containing such clauses must be deemed invalid and unenforceable.
  6. Conversion of Fines to Progressive Tax Penalties
    All government issued fines, bail, and other punitive damages must be assessed as a progressive percentage of an entity’s recent or future income or revenue, scaled to reflect their net worth relative to comparable entities. This ensures penalties are proportional and meaningful, deterring wrongdoing without unfairly burdening the underprivileged.
  7. Prohibit Confidential Settlements for Public Harm Cases
    To prevent powerful entities from hiding malfeasance through settlements, prohibit confidential settlements in legal cases where public interest is at stake, such as environmental damage, large-scale fraud, or worker mistreatment.
  8. Prevent Disenfranchisement of Former Criminals
    To guard against tactics that entrench power among the political elite, reform laws that disenfranchise citizens with criminal records to uphold their right to vote and participate in society and governance.
  9. Ban on For-Profit Prison Contracts
    Outlaw contracts that incentivize incarceration for profit, as they contribute to modern systems of exploitation and disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, reinforcing class hierarchies.
  10. Mandatory Provision of Free Nation Voter ID Cards
    To ensure confidence in our democracy and prevent foul play in elections, the federal government must provide a free, easily accessible method for all citizens to obtain a national voter ID card, ensuring that every eligible citizen can participate in elections without undue burden.

Section IV: How We Achieve These Demands

To realize these demands, we use a phased approach, beginning with preparation and community empowerment and escalating to direct collective actions. Each phase represents a deliberate and coordinated effort, ensuring we stand united in purpose and strategy.

    Phase 0: Prepare and Share

    Spread the Word: Talk to friends, family, and neighbors and encourage others to join. The more people involved, the faster we can make an impact. Avoid social media to reduce the risk of preemptive retaliation.
    Build Community Support: Get to know your neighbors and join local groups. Work together to create systems for sharing things like food, shelter, and transportation. Find places to gather and stay connected.
    Grow Your Own Food: Start a garden, even if it’s small, to rely less on grocery stores. These Patriot Gardens can help you and your community stay independent.
    Prepare for Hard Times: Stock up on items you might need, like non-perishable food, medicine, and clean water. Be ready in case supplies are hard to get.
    Learn and Teach: Find out about your rights, peaceful protesting, and how to stay safe during civil disobedience. Share what you know with others, and organize events to teach these skills.
    Check Your Finances: Look at your regular payments, like rent, subscriptions, and automatic withdrawals. Plan ahead so you can pause or stop these payments when it’s time to take action.

    Phase 1: National Rent Strike

    Stop Paying Rent: Withold payments for both residential and commercial rent. This includes leases for land, homes, businesses, and office spaces.
    Cancel Subscriptions: Cancel recurring charges for services, memberships, and subscriptions.
    Pause Automated Payments: Stop automatic financial flows like 401(k) contributions, investment plans, and crypto transactions that fuel the neo-nobility's wealth.
    General Civil Disobedience: Make our demands known through peaceful protests.

    Phase 2: National Labor Strike

    Stop Working: If your job isn’t essential to public safety, take a stand by going on strike. Inform your employer and step back until our demands are met.
    Support Each Other: Share resources like food and shelter with fellow strikers. Work together to build strong community networks during the strike.
    General Civil Disobedience: Join peaceful demonstrations, rallies, and other collective actions to make our voices heard.

    Phase 3: ... TBA ...


These demands are not mere calls for change; they are imperatives for a just society built on equity, transparency, and democracy. The Great American Rent Strike serves as a reminder that power rests with the people. Only through collective resolve can we banish the specter of feudalism from our nation’s future.

#antifeudalamerica #afa